Media publishes UOC church raid video in Zolotonosha at night

Holy Dormition Cathedral in the city of Zolotonosha. Photo:

On September 2, at 22:05, supporters of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) seized the Holy Dormition Cathedral in the city of Zolotonosha, part of the Cherkasy Diocese. The Telegram channel "Dozor_kozak1" published a video showing how raiders entered the church at night using grinders and crowbars.

"On the night of September 2, a group of OCU raiders cut the locks and broke into the holy site. Prior to this, the street near the church was blocked by police, preventing parishioners and clergy of the cathedral from protecting the House of God. According to reports from the scene, the crime and desecration of the holy site were orchestrated by notorious clerics from the OCU," the message said.

As previously reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ), representatives of the OCU seized the Dormition Church of the UOC in Zolotonosha. However, the UOC religious community, led by the church’s priest, remained loyal to the canonical Church. The priest urged parishioners not to get involved in the conflict, which the OCU representatives had hoped for.

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