Jesuits are Jesuits even in Ukraine

Head of the UGCC, Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo:

Any lie, any treachery is acceptable if it serves the goal. "The end justifies the means," as the founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius of Loyola, said.

And here is the latest news: "The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, expressed gratitude to the delegation of the Constantinople Patriarchate", complaining that "when there are no meetings and dialogue, it leads to escalation" and added that "religious peace in Ukraine is one of the elements of national security. Russia sought to destroy this peace and turn the war into an interfaith conflict."

According to the head of the Ukrainian Uniates, religious escalation in Ukraine is highly beneficial to the enemy. And here, we agree with him.

Because indeed, creating religious conflicts in Ukraine, supporting and initiating church disputes means serving the enemy. But…

Isn't it Sviatoslav Shevchuk and his subordinates who are destroying religious peace in Ukraine? Isn't it their statements and actions that lead to escalation? Wasn't it the Uniates who brought division, enmity and bloodshed to Ukrainian land 400 years ago? Was it not the Ukrainian Cossacks who rebelled against the Uniates? Wasn't it Taras Shevchenko who wrote: "Back when we were Cossacks, and there was no talk of the Union, life was truly joyful!"

And in our time, not so long ago, the Uniate priest Vasyl Hasynets called all UOC priests "FSB agents and accomplices of terrorists", and in the village of Tseniava, Kolomyia district, the Uniates took away from UOC believers the Church of the Mother of God "Pantanassa" while S. Shevchuk himself actively advocated for the Verkhovna Rada to pass a law banning the UOC. And now he says that religious escalation in Ukraine only benefits the enemy…

Psychologists would call this cognitive dissonance while those familiar with history would say: "No, this is typical Jesuitism."

And we think that when the Uniates speak of Ukraine's enemies, they just need to look in the mirror.

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