UGCC head: Phanar delegation will foster Orthodox-Uniate dialogue

Head of the UGCC Sviatoslav Shevchuk. Photo:

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Sviatoslav Shevchuk, commented on the recent visit of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s delegation to Kyiv, according to the UGCC press service. He expressed hope that this mission will serve as a catalyst for dialogue between the Orthodox and Greek Catholics.

"Unfortunately, today in Ukraine, we have stopped talking to each other, stopped meeting. And when there are no meetings, no dialogue from both sides, the result is escalation," Shevchuk noted, emphasizing the importance of communication in overcoming differences.

The head of the Greek Catholics also stressed that such meetings are crucial not only for dialogue among Ukrainian Orthodox but also for interconfessional dialogue. "This visit genuinely aimed to be a visit that builds bridges and encourages dialogue," he added.

Furthermore, Shevchuk reminded that dialogue is only possible between recognized entities and expressed support for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), as he believes that recognition has strengthened Kyiv's standing on the international stage. "We truly understood that the granting of the Tomos of Autocephaly makes the Church a subject of dialogue," he concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, the head of the UGCC stated that religious escalation in Ukraine benefits only the enemy.

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