Police open criminal proceedings against OCU official inciting hatred

Dmitry Gorevoy. Photo: religionpravda.com.ua

The Podol District Police Department of the city of Kyiv opened criminal proceedings against the official of the Lviv Regional State Administration Dmitry Gorevoy on the facts of inciting religious hatred presented by the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. An extract from the Unified State Register of Pre-trial Investigations was published on the “Miriane” TG channel.

The public organization noted that the head of the Department for Religions and Nationalities of the Lviv RSA does not stop filming videos in which he continues to incite enmity and hatred on religious grounds, "and we continue to expose him".

The criminal proceedings against Gorevoy were registered on August 7, under Part 1 of Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine – Violation of the equality of citizens depending on their race, nationality or religious beliefs. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment and a ban on holding certain positions for up to 3 years.

Earlier, the NGO "Miriane" announced that they would seek the dismissal of the OCU propagandist Dmitry Gorevoy, who systematically takes part in acts of discrimination and harassment of the UOC, from the post of head of the head of the Division for Religions at the Lviv RSA.

The Podolsk District Court of Kyiv ordered the police to open criminal proceedings against Gorevoy on “Miriane”’s claim. The LRSA spokespeople said they saw no reason to dismiss the official.

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