UOC recalls how Phanar head stopped service because of Muslim prayer

Patriarch Bartholomew stopped the service during Muslim prayer, Istanbul. Photo: a video screenshot of the YouTube channel of the Odessa Eparchy

The Odessa Eparchy of the UOC showed a video of how Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople stopped his worship in the capital of Turkey during the Muslim prayer.

The authors of the story, published on the eparchy's YouTube channel, noted that in Turkey, whose citizen the Phanar head is, he cannot behave the way he does in Ukraine.

In the video from Istanbul, Patriarch Bartholomew interrupts the service as soon as the prayer of Muslims is heard from the minaret.

“When a prayer is heard from the minaret, life in Turkey does not stop: whoever wants to pray, offers a prayer while life goes on as usual. But the patriarch's prayer was stopped. Why? Because he shows high respect for Muslims? No. Because he has no say,” they emphasized in the story and expressed regret that Patriarch Bartholomew is realizing his imperial ambitions in Ukraine, causing a huge schism in our country.

As reported, UOC believers are urged to testify to their faith before the Phanar head and come to the building of the Verkhovna Rada in Kyiv at 9:00 a.m. on August 21, 2021.

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