Uzhhorod military commissariat mobilizes Zakarpattia monastery abbot

Archimandrite Vyacheslav Didenko. Photo: Facebook

Archimandrite Varlaam (Didenko), the abbot of the Transfiguration Monastery in the village of Tereblia in the Tiachiv district of Zakarpattia Oblast, has been forcibly mobilized by the Uzhhorod Territorial Recruitment Center. He was sent to a military training center in Rivne. The archimandrite shared this on his Facebook page.

"Dear brothers and sisters, after arriving at the Uzhhorod Military Commissariat yesterday, I was sent to the training center in Rivne. I ask everyone to pray for me and to support our monastery. With respect and love, your Archimandrite Varlaam," wrote the clergyman from the Khust Diocese of the UOC.

As the UOJ previously reported, the military commissariat had earlier taken the treasurer of the Khust Diocese, who is the father of three minor children.

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