In Rivne and Sarny, OCU "hierarchs" propose unity to UOC hierarchs

Illustrative photo. Photo: Sudova Gazeta

The "bishop" of Rivne and Sarny of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Havriil, and the "metropolitan" of Rivne and Ostroh, Ilarion, have addressed the clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), urging them to leave the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate and join the OCU. This was reported on the website of the Rivne Diocese of the OCU.

"Bishop" Havriil emphasized the importance of uniting Orthodox Ukrainians around the "canonical and independent OCU". He stressed that division within Ukrainian Orthodoxy benefits the Russian aggressor. "For our common good in Christ the Lord and for the well-being of our earthly homeland, we must not waste time. It is necessary to start the process of communication in order to unite around the Kyiv throne within the canonical Orthodox Church of Ukraine," he stated.

He was supported by "Metropolitan" Ilarion, who also called on the UOC faithful to take decisive action to leave the Moscow Patriarchate. He reminded them that organizations supporting the ideology of the "Russian world" are unacceptable in Ukraine, as they sow discord and undermine society from within. "This is not only a step toward spiritual freedom but also an act of patriotism and a demonstration of true love for Ukraine," emphasized the "metropolitan".

Both OCU "hierarchs" urged UOC believers to convene parish meetings to discuss the importance of leaving the Moscow Patriarchate and complying with the law on protecting the constitutional order in the activities of religious organizations. "We urge you to make a choice: to support light and truth or to remain in darkness and evil," they concluded.

As previously reported by UOJ, Epifaniy Dumenko called on the Primate of the UOC to engage in dialogue about unification "without preconditions".

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