Synaxis of Constantinople Patriarchate bishops to be held in Istanbul

A meeting of the hierarchs of the Constantinople Patriarchate. Photo:

From September 1 to 3, a Synaxis of all hierarchs of the Constantinople Patriarchate will be held in Istanbul under the chairmanship of Patriarch Bartholomew. It is expected that between 130 and 150 archbishops, metropolitans and bishops from around the world will participate, including metropolitans from the so-called New Lands of Greece (which constitute nearly half of the hierarchs of the Church of Greece), who are under the jurisdiction of the Constantinople Patriarchate. Hierarchs of the semi-autonomous Church of Crete, which is part of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, will also participate, as reported on the Greek website Romfea.

It is noted that such gatherings or Synaxes (assemblies of the hierarchy without institutional authority), will henceforth be held every three years, with the aim of "informing and hearing proposals on various ecclesiastical issues".

Specifically, Metropolitan Emmanuel Adamakis will deliver a report titled "The Ukrainian Issue and Orthodoxy in the Baltic States". Following him, Metropolitan Arsenius (Kardamakis) of Austria will present a report on "Inter-Orthodox Relations in the So-called 'Diaspora' Since the Beginning of the ‘Special Military Operation’ (SWO) in Ukraine". Professor Georgios-Stylianos Prevelakis will give a talk on "The Russian World – the Epicenter and Tool of Russian Geopolitical Strategy".

In addition, Metropolitan Job of Pisidia will present a report "The Development of Theological Dialogue Between the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches – the Alexandrian Text," Archbishop Makarios of Australia will discuss "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Church", and Abbess of the Assumption Monastery of the Theotokos in Mikrokastro will reflect on "The Dynamics of Women's Monasticism in the 21st Century".

As reported by the UOJ, Zelensky met with a delegation from the Phanar.

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