International conference in defense of UOC held in Bulgaria

Participants of the conference in defense of Orthodoxy. Photo: UOJ

On August 26, 2024, an international conference titled "The Blockade of Aggression Against the Church - Protecting Orthodoxy" took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event brought together representatives from various Orthodox Churches and experts from different countries to discuss important issues related to the defense of Orthodoxy and religious rights.

Among the participants were Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia (Ukrainian Orthodox Church), Father Mihail Kovachev (Bulgarian Orthodox Church), Dragana Trifkovic (General Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Serbia), Archbishop Theodosios (Hanna) of Sebastia (Jerusalem Orthodox Church, Palestine), lawyer Rumyana Chenalova (Bulgaria), and others. The topics in question included religious discrimination, pressure on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, religious persecution, and the challenges facing Orthodox churches.

The participants adopted a resolution calling for the provision of normal conditions for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church's activities in Ukraine. According to the resolution, which was submitted to the Ukrainian Embassy, the main demands included:

The participants expressed concern over the destruction of images of Russian saints, icons, and church items associated with the Russian Orthodox Church, demanding that this process be halted.

The conference participants expressed support for the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and condemned actions aimed at undermining its authority and violating the rights of believers.

The conference called on the Ukrainian authorities to end political and administrative support for the OCU, which, according to the participants, is aimed at destroying the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

These demands were presented as essential steps necessary to protect religious rights and ensure the stability of the Orthodox community in Ukraine. The participants emphasized the importance of international attention to these issues and called for active support from the global community.

As reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists, the Zaporizhzhia Eparchy discussed the law banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Luke, in his report, stressed that despite the law, the Church's mission remains unchanged – to lead people to God.

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