The Times publishes UOC hierarch's article on persecutions

Metropolitan Theodosiy (Snigirev). Photo: screenshot from Cherkasy Diocese video

The British publication The Times has published an article by Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv, in which he harshly criticizes the bill No. 8371, adopted by the Ukrainian parliament. The translation of the article is provided by the kozak1Tv channel.

In the article, Metropolitan Theodosiy emphasized that, although many in the West view Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a hero for his leadership in the war with Russia, he is not seen as a hero by millions of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which has been a spiritual home for the Ukrainian people for a thousand years.

The Metropolitan noted that bill No. 8371 creates a legislative basis for banning the UOC and permits collective punishment of innocent citizens based on religious motives. He described the attack on the UOC as a "purgatorial punishment", which has already affected many, including himself.

The attack on the UOC with the fabricated motive that it is a puppet of Putin is not the only brutal act. This is a purgatorial punishment which has inflicted damage on many now, the article states.

Metropolitan Theodosiy also reported on attacks against believers, unlawful dismissals, and the deprivation of the right to pray in private facilities. According to him, "The Church faces constant and targeted repression from all levels of government."

"Because of my faith and my willingness to speak out about crimes against the Church, I face increasing punishments from the government. Criminal cases are immediately opened against those who dare to resist religious cleansing," said the UOC hierarch.

Metropolitan Theodosiy has already been subject to five criminal cases for sermons in which he comforted persecuted Christians. He also reported that he was under house arrest for nearly a year and a half and has been in pre-trial detention three times, with his home searched by secret police four times.

Metropolitan Theodosiy emphasizes that the false accusations spread by the authorities against the UOC and its clergy are a manipulation aimed at casting the Church as an internal enemy. "The UOC has never been involved in politics or geopolitics; we are focused solely on spiritual matters. We are citizens of Ukraine, and our Church is not an enemy of the Ukrainian state," he concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, in his statements during the UN Human Rights Council session, Metropolitan Theodosiy of Cherkasy and Kaniv spoke about the violations of the rights of religious organizations and UOC believers, as well as about the criminal cases opened against UOC hierarchs and believers for their statements on the non-canonical nature of other denominations and violations of believers' rights.

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