Odessa Eparchy of UOC joins a flash mob against Pat. Bartholomew's arrival

Believers of the Odessa Eparchy have joined the #STOPBARTHOLOMEW flash mob. Photo: tg-channel of the Odessa diocese

The Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has joined the flash mob "Bartholomew, We Didn't Invite You".

The video was posted on the diocese's YouTube channel on Thursday, August 12.

“We, the Orthodox of Odessa city, are standing here, on a historical site – the famous Potemkin Stairs. To our right is Istanbul Park; to our left is the wonderful Greek Park. And we, the Orthodox, ask you not to come to our land, Ukraine, because enmity and hatred were sown due to your unreasonable decisions, and people shed tears on our land.

Therefore, we ask you, if you call yourself the father of peace, to preserve the peace in our country by staying at home. Patriarch Bartholomew, we are not waiting for you!" the believers of the Odessa diocese appealed to the head of Phanar.

The diocese called on all concerned believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to join the all-Ukrainian flash mob.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that a flash mob was initiated in the churches of the Zaporizhia diocese against the visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to Ukraine. The flash mob takes place on social networks with the hashtag #СТОПВАРФОЛОМЕЙ (#STOPBARTHOLOMEW – Trans.).

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