Church of Albania сondemns the persecution of the canonical UOC

The Synod of the Albanian Orthodox Church. Photo: orthodoxalbania

In response to the recent adoption of Law No. 8371 by the Ukrainian parliament, the Church of Albania issued a strong statement condemning the persecution of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) and reiterated its support for the UOC, led by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry.

The official statement, published on the website OrthodoxAlbania, emphasizes deep concern over the "unjust and repressive measure" taken by the authorities against the UOC.

The Albanian Church also expresses solidarity with the "persecuted brothers" in Ukraine and assures that prayers are being offered for the repeal of this "absurd" law and the restoration of peace and unity within Orthodoxy.

"Persecutions, imprisonments, desecration of holy sites, and confiscation of church and monastic property are cruel acts. These actions become even more egregious when they are enacted by the legislative bodies of democratic countries," the statement reads.

It notes that the recent adoption of Law 8371 on August 24, 2024, by the Ukrainian parliament is clearly aimed at eliminating the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"This law targets millions of Ukrainian Orthodox believers, as well as numerous bishops, priests, monks, and nuns under the leadership of Metropolitan Onuphry, who are members of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church," the Church of Albania writes.

The statement quotes the Apostle Paul: "If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26).

"Sharing in the suffering of our persecuted brothers, we fervently pray for an end to the ongoing bloodshed that has caused pain to the entire Ukrainian population without exception. We also pray for the repeal of this unjust law, the restoration of peace and unity in Orthodoxy, so that it may continue fulfilling its universal mission," the Albanian Orthodox Church concludes.

As the UOJ reported, Bulgarian Patriarch Daniel called for prayers for the preservation of the UOC.

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