US politician demands to repeal Law 8371 and release Christians from prison

Catherine Whiteford. Photo: Screenshot from video

In the US, Co-Chair of the Young Republican National Federation, Catherine Whiteford, has called to protect Orthodox Ukrainians from persecution by Ukrainian authorities. In her address, Whiteford reminded that for years, the believers and clergy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church have been targeted by the SBU and anti-Christian activists, while the police merely stood by as UOC churches were raided, seized, boarded up, and journalists arrested.

After the adoption of the new law, which she believes legalizes discrimination, the situation may worsen even further. "If this was the status quo when the UOC had, at least on paper, political protections, what will its fate be with the passing of Bill 8371?" Whiteford questions.

She emphasized that the Church is now facing a catastrophe unseen since the rise of "Bolshevik" rule. "As an Orthodox Christian myself whose diocese was largely founded by Ukrainian Christians fleeing Soviet persecution, my heart is broken to see history repeating itself," the politician stated.

Catherine Whiteford also expressed her disappointment with the US support for the Ukrainian government, which, according to her, persecutes Christians. "As an American and a conservative, I am appalled to know that my government, founded on the basis of religious liberty, is supporting a regime that openly and proudly persecutes Christians," she noted.

Whiteford urged everyone to join her appeal to the leadership of the House of Representatives and the Senate, demanding action. She calls for the Ukrainian authorities to repeal Bill 8371, release members of the UOC and journalists imprisoned for covering the persecution, and to condition further assistance to Ukraine on ensuring religious freedom.

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