Prayers offered for RF airstrike victims in UOC Cathedral in Sumy

Prayer in the UOC Cathedral in Sumy. Photo: Sumy Eparchy

On August 25, Metropolitan Evlogiy of Sumy and Akhtyrka celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Transfiguration Cathedral in Sumy, during which prayers were offered for the victims of the Russian shelling of the city the day before, reports the press service of the Sumy Eparchy.

During the service, special prayers were said for the healing of the wounded and for the repose of those who died as a result of Russian aggression – an air missile strike – in Sumy on August 24.

Prayers were also traditionally offered for Ukrainian soldiers and for all those suffering from the war in Ukraine.

In his sermon on the Gospel passage about the Lord Jesus Christ walking on water and the saving of the drowning Peter, Metropolitan Evlogiy spoke about how an Orthodox Christian can overcome fear, especially in the difficult circumstances of the ongoing war in our country.

As the UOJ previously reported, the UOC diocese provided more than one million hryvnias in aid to the children's hospital in Sumy.

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