Former Knesset member: A war for the Temple is underway

Temple Mount. Jerusalem. Photo: Jamal Awad/Flash90

Dozens of ultra-right religious activists from the movement "for the construction of the Third Temple on the site of Al-Aqsa" held a new mass pilgrimage to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and demonstratively prostrated themselves on the stones on August 25, reports news.israelinfo.

Moshe Feiglin, an Israeli public and political figure with right-wing views and a former member of the 19th Knesset, stated that this is the largest prayer pilgrimage by religious Jews to the Temple Mount. According to him, "the ongoing war is not a war; this is, in fact, a war for the Temple."

The police, which had previously cracked down harshly on such demonstrations on the Temple Mount, are now inactive, following the policy of the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir.

"Demonstrative actions of burning the Quran in Gaza, the 'capture' of the Al-Aqsa compound – Israeli ultra-right groups are mobilizing all means to ignite not just a 'regional war' but a full-fledged global 'Battle of Gog and Magog', which is supposed to culminate in the coming of the Messiah and the worldwide triumph of Judaism," writes news.israelinfo.

On the morning of August 26, after a mass Jewish pilgrimage to the Temple Mount the previous evening, where worshippers prostrated themselves on the ground in violation of the status quo, Minister Ben-Gvir stated that "he would build a synagogue on the Temple Mount" and demanded "fair equality" for Jews and Muslims.

The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to quickly release a statement saying that there were no changes to the status quo on the Temple Mount.

As previously reported, Israel may pass a law prohibiting Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.

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