World Council of Churches concerned about law threatening to ban UOC

UOC parishioners. Photo: World Council of Churches

The World Council of Churches (WCC) has expressed deep concern over a new law passed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on August 20, 2024, which could lead to collective punishment of religious communities and violate principles of freedom of religion. This information was reported on the organization's website.

In its statement, the WCC emphasized that Ukrainian authorities have the sovereign right to defend the territorial integrity of the country and to punish those guilty of crimes against Ukraine's interests, even more so in the context of Russian aggression.

However, the WCC is deeply alarmed by the potential for "unjustified collective punishment of the entire religious community and a violation of the principles of freedom of religion or belief." The organization urged the Ukrainian government to exercise caution, noting that "neither the crimes of some individuals, nor the historical affiliations of a particular religious entity, can be a sufficient basis for measures tantamount to collective punishment of a living worshipping religious community in Ukraine."

The WCC also pointed out that the new law provides for a six-step process before banning a religious organization and stressed the need for a fair and unbiased approach to any such investigation, in accordance with international law and justice principles. "We plead that there be a fair and unbiased approach to any such investigation, and that due consideration be given to the principles of international law, natural justice and due process in undertaking any actions under this new law," stated WCC representatives.

As reported by the UOJ, Zelensky signed Law 8371, which allows for the banning of the UOC.

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