Usyk: I attend the UOC and will continue to do so

Oleksandr Usyk. Photo: Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

World heavyweight boxing champion Oleksandr Usyk discussed his religious affiliation and views on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) in an interview with NV edition.

When asked if his religious views had changed and whether he had left the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Usyk replied: “I am asked this by people who have never been to a morning service in their lives. How can I respond to someone who doesn’t know a single prayer or has never been to a liturgy?”

Usyk also emphasized: “I am an Orthodox Christian, that's it. I attend the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. We have no documented Moscow Patriarchate. Let them show where the Moscow Patriarchate is documented.” He added: “I believe in God. I go to this Church for salvation and will continue to do so.”

Responding to a question about the role of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church during the difficult times of war, Usyk noted: “You will know me not by words but by fruits. What you see doesn’t mean that’s all there is. And what you don’t see doesn’t mean it isn’t there. We also don’t see the wind, and I can’t see each of your love here; you can’t show it to me on my hand. However, I feel the prayer of monks praying for me in the ring.”

Usyk underscored that he will continue to follow his religious convictions despite criticism.

As reported by the UOJ, heavyweight boxing champion Oleksandr Usyk previously shared who guides him in his faith.

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