Prosecutor General reports suspicion against MP Dmytruk

Artem Dmytruk. Photo: Telegraf

Ukrainian MP Artem Dmytruk has been informed of suspicion in connection with attacks on law enforcement officers and a military personnel. The MP’s name is not mentioned in the announcement, but his identity can be recognized from the blurred photo.

“The Prosecutor General has informed the current Ukrainian MP of suspicion regarding the attacks by a group of individuals on a law enforcement officer and a military man, attempts to steal firearms, causing moderate bodily harm to the victim, and hooliganism,” the announcement states.

The suspect's actions are classified under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

Artem Dmytruk commented on the situation, stating: “The Prosecutor General's Office informed me of suspicion due to ‘attacks on a law enforcement officer and a military man’. Actually, nothing new. The authorities continue their hunt against those who disagree with the regime. And yes, by the way, no one has handed me any suspicion notice. All these cases are completely fabricated and made-up stories.”

As reported by the UOJ, MP Dmytruk stated that he is being targeted for imprisonment due to his defense of the UOC.

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