MP Dmytruk: I am being targeted for imprisonment due to my defense of UOC

Artem Dmytruk at the Verkhovna Rada podium. Photo: Screenshot from Dmytruk's Telegram channel

Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Artem Dmytruk reported on his Telegram channel that suspicions are being prepared against him, which he believes are fabricated.

“Friends, regarding the rumors that I am supposed to be served with a suspicion! It is true, suspicions are ready based on absolutely trumped-up reasons, a complete falsification of cases!” Dmytruk wrote.

The MP claims that the goal of these actions is to prevent him from engaging in political activities. “The authorities have two options: either kill me or imprison me and kill me there!” he stated.

According to Dmytruk, these actions were triggered by his recent speech at the Verkhovna Rada regarding the bill banning the Church. Dmytruk did not specify which bill he was referring to but emphasized that following this speech, he became a target for potential elimination.

Dmytruk also added that security services have started hunting him on the personal instructions of President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The services have started intensive work on me! To be precise, they are racing to see who will catch me first! Right now, their agents are walking around my house in Odesa, showing everyone my photo and trying to find out my whereabouts! The same is happening in Kyiv with the place where I occasionally stay,” he wrote.

As reported by the UOJ, Artem Dmytruk took to the Verkhovna Rada podium after the adoption of Law 8371 and declared that “our faith cannot be banned.” “Faith is eternal, faith is glorious, our faith is Orthodox!” the MP chanted.

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