Bulgarian Patriarch Daniel expresses his support for the persecuted UOC

Patriarch Daniel. Photo: Screenshot of bntnews video

On August 22, 2024, Patriarch Daniel of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church sent a letter of gratitude to Metropolitan Victor of Khmelnytsky and Starokostiantyniv in response to his congratulatory message on Daniel's election as the Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on July 1, 2024.

Patriarch Daniel noted that "the responsibility of the patriarchal ministry, to which we have been called, is indeed heavy and demanding, but at the same time, it is especially fruitful. Before our eyes are the words of the Savior: 'Without Me, you can do nothing' (John 15:5)."

"We place all our hopes and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, with whose help, protection, and grace, we hope to fulfill – within the limits of our human abilities – the high service entrusted to us for the benefit of the Holy Church," the letter continued.

Patriarch Daniel reminded that all Orthodox Christians are one body, one living organism, with Christ Himself as the Head. He quoted Saint John Chrysostom, who teaches that "we, both shepherds and the flock, all have one Heavenly Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ."

"We rely on His gracious help and great mercy in our new ministry," wrote the Primate of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch Daniel assured that his prayerful focus today is "directed toward the persecuted brotherly Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its long-suffering people."

"We are confident that through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints, the peace we all long for will prevail in Ukraine and throughout the world," Patriarch Daniel expressed in conclusion.

As the UOJ previously reported, the Bulgarian Patriarch discussed the persecution of the UOC with the U.S. ambassador.

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