DESS explains how UOC can prove its break with ROC

Viktor Yelensky. Photo: Artem Dmytruk’s Telegram

The State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience (DESS) has outlined the requirements that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) must meet to avoid being banned under the new law passed by the Verkhovna Rada, reports Strana.

According to Viktor Yelensky, DESS head, the UOC must make public letters in which it notifies of the withdrawal of its representatives from the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and all governing bodies of the ROC. Additionally, the UOC must inform the Local Orthodox Churches that it is no longer part of the ROC.

"In this case, the law will not be applied to the UOC," Yelensky said in a comment to the media.

Metropolitan Clement, head of the UOC's Synodal Information and Education Department, responded to these requirements, noting that similar measures were not applied to hierarchs who joined the OCU.

"Neither Filaret nor Metropolitans Simeon and Oleksandr, upon leaving the UOC, have so far submitted any statements to the ROC. In this regard, the State Service should first be concerned with the situation in the OCU, clarifying evidence that proves its bishops have broken ties with the Moscow Patriarchate and left the ROC. Otherwise, the State Service's requirements will only reflect a subjective selective approach, which may indicate discriminatory treatment of Ukrainian citizens based on their religious beliefs," stated Metropolitan Clement.

As reported by the UOJ, Yelensky spoke about his conversation with the Primate regarding the UOC ban.

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