Ex-MP praises SBU for key role in banning UOC

SBU. Photo: unn.ua

Former MP Oleksandr Chernenko praised the work of the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Vasyl Maliuk for his work to ban the UOC, reports TSN.

He emphasized that the key role in the Church policy belongs to the security agency, as since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia criminal proceedings against more than 100 representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were opened on the materials of the SBU. “Almost 50 of them have already received notices of suspicion, and 25 have received court verdicts,” he said.

Chernenko stressed that the SBU's evidence had influenced public opinion: “Sociological polls showed that the absolute majority supported the ban of the UOC-MP. This, in turn, probably prompted the MPs to take the relevant decision.”

The expert also recalled that after Vasyl Maliuk was appointed head of the SBU, for the first time since independence, the service began to systematically expose these “accomplices of the Kremlin”. “Before the vote in the first reading, Maliuk addressed the deputies with a letter in which he explicitly stated that the UOC-MP is a structural subdivision of the ROC in Ukraine,” he added.

According to the former MP, the SBU criminal cases have nothing to do with pressure on church circles.

As earlier reported by the UOJ, Robert Amsterdam called the KIIS poll on the UOC ban fraudulent.

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