UOJ journalists arrive at court wearing t-shirts with Vance's quote on persecution of UOC

Journalists from the UOJ at the court hearing on August 19, 2024. Photo: Persecution In Ukraine

On August 19, at a court hearing regarding the “UOJ case,” the judge, prosecutors, and SBU investigator had the opportunity to learn what people in the U.S. think about the lawlessness committed against the UOC by Ukrainian authorities. According to Persecution In Ukraine, Orthodox journalists, who are being persecuted by the authorities for their testimonies about the persecution of Christians in Ukraine, found a way to show that these crimes are not seen by them alone.

They wore t-shirts featuring a quote from U.S. Senator from Ohio J.D. Vance: “What about the assault on traditional Christian communities in Ukraine?”

“These words were said by the American senator nominated by Trump for the vice presidency from the floor of the U.S. Congress. And for the same thoughts and ideas, Christians are being judged in Ukraine today. At the same time, journalists were treated as dangerous criminals, held in cages during the trial,” the report states.

As reported by the UOJ, the journalists' lawyers exposed the investigator's manipulations.

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