Delegates of Patriarch Bartholomew arrive in Ukraine

Delegates of the Phanar at St. Andrew's Church in Kyiv on August 21, 2024. Photo: Stavropigiainua's Facebook

On August 21, a delegation from the Patriarchate of Constantinople arrived in Ukraine. According to a Facebook post by stavropigiainua, the visit in the same composition was planned last year but was postponed "due to unpredictable technical reasons."

It is noted that the delegates arrived following communication between representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine and Patriarch Bartholomew.

"The delegation includes Archbishop Ilarion of Winnipeg, Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, Metropolitan Job of Pisidia, and Patriarchal Deacon Epiphanios Kamianovych," the statement reads. "The delegation will participate in celebrations marking the 33rd anniversary of Ukraine's Independence and meet with state officials and church leaders. Special attention will be given to finding ways of understanding among Orthodox Christians and fostering dialogue to achieve unity on the church issue."

Immediately after arriving in Kyiv, the delegation members visited the Stauropegion of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Ukraine – St. Andrew's Church, where they held a brief prayer service "for Ukraine's victory, the brave Ukrainian people, and church peace in Ukraine."

As reported by the Union of Orthodox Journalists, the head of the Phanar demanded that Dumenko explain forcible seizures of UOC churches.

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