Lawyer demands that Poroshenko answer if he remains a UOC "deacon" today

Petro Poroshenko at a service in the Ioninsky Monastery. Photo:

A request has been sent to the European Solidarity party for information regarding the circumstances of the "ordination" of the head of "ES" leader, Petro Poroshenko, in the UOC. This was reported by lawyer Olena Isaevska to the Law and Business publication.

Referring to information from the media that the member of parliament and former president Petro Poroshenko was "ordained as a deacon" and participated in "religious ceremonies" of the UOC, the lawyer requests to clarify whether this information is accurate.

A similar request, according to the lawyer, has also been sent to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The lawyer is also interested in when exactly P. Poroshenko was "ordained as a deacon" and whether he continues to perform the function of a "deacon" in the UOC.

The media allegedly has information that Poroshenko was ordained as a deacon on the Feast of the Trinity. Immediately after that, he participated in a religious procession, carrying the main icon of the holiday – the image of the Holy Trinity.

It should be noted that Petro Poroshenko previously attended services at the Holy Trinity Ioninsky Monastery in Kyiv and sometimes assisted the clergy during services. However, he was not ordained as a deacon or into any other clerical rank.

As the UOJ reported, the Prosecutor General received a statement regarding Poroshenko inciting religious hatred.

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