"Miriane": Cabinet of Ministers openly defends anti-church laws

Believers of the UOC under the Office of the President, 15.06.21. Photo: news.church.ua

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine openly defended discriminatory anti-church laws, justifying the forced renaming of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the seizure of its temples. This was announced in the tg-channel of the Public Union "Miriane" on Tuesday, August 3.

The organization recalled that after the prayer standing of 20,000 believers at the Verkhovna Rada and the President's Office on June 15, 2021, the OP "refused to consider our appeal and forwarded it to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine."

“And so we received a response from the Cabinet of Ministers signed by First Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostislav Karandeev. The crux of the answer is that the Cabinet of Ministers openly defended the discriminatory anti-church laws, justifying the forced renaming of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the seizure of its temples,” the “Miriane” reported.

The answer of the Cabinet of Ministers contains indicative theses: the law on renaming the UOC was adopted because of the "destructive and provocative manifestations of representatives" of the UOC, and also that the seizures of churches by representatives of the OCU began to occur because of the "ideological split within the UOC."

"The government seems to have stuck in the times of Poroshenko, continuing to pursue its policy against the UOC. We can state that the Cabinet of Ministers is in direct conflict with our Church and its laity. And it will be a pity if the President's Office has the same stance. After all, this is a deliberately losing position for the authorities as a whole,” the public organization stressed.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Miriane had their bill in defense of the UOC registered in the Verkhovna Rada.

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