Estonian Orthodox Church declares its autonomy

The EOC Council. Photo: the EOC press service

On 20 August 2024, at the second session of the Council of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, it was decided to change the name of the Church. Now it will be named “Estonian Orthodox Church”, which is enshrined in the new version of the statute approved at the Council, reports the EOC press service.

It is known that Metropolitan Eugene (Reshetnikov) of Tallinn and All Estonia did not take part in the meeting, as he was not extended his residence permit by the authorities of the country.

It is reported that the main task of the Council was to approve ways to achieve greater administrative independence of the Church. The new version of the statute enshrines the independence of the Church “in church-administrative, church-economic, church-educational and church-civil affairs”.

The Council also approved the Synod's work in negotiations with the state and expressed confidence that the Orthodox in Estonia will be able to find ways to heal the schism on the basis of canonicity.

As reported by the UOJ, the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has previously stated that it plans to amend its statute and separate from the Moscow Patriarchate, and in the future to unite with the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, holding consultations for this purpose.

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