When "Godly People" Stab You in the Back

Meeting between Zelensky and the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations. Photo: Novoe Vremya

Head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), Serhiy Dumenko: "We initially supported and will continue to support legislative changes that will contribute to the protection of Ukraine’s spiritual space from the 'Russian World.'"

Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Sviatoslav Shevchuk: "We undoubtedly support everything that the state is doing to ensure the implementation of Ukrainian citizens' rights to religious freedom. The state's responsibility for preventing the aggressor country from interfering in religious freedom matters is a sacred right and duty of the state."

Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), Vitaly Krivitsky: "We support all the initiatives mentioned earlier. It is known which organization is being referred to. At this time, it has not taken any specific steps to separate itself and condemn. Therefore, we understand the necessity of the corresponding bill."

Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, Yaakov Dov Bleich: "We need God to grant us wisdom so that this legislative act (the law banning the UOC) can be seen as a unifying force for society, which will build a better Ukraine."

Let's ask ourselves a few simple questions.

1. Has the UOC (its leader, episcopate, clergy) ever supported the ideology of the "Russian World"?

Certainly not.

2. Can the Russian Federation influence Ukrainians through the UOC in any way?

Certainly not.

3. Is banning a multi-million member denomination a matter of "religious freedom"?

Certainly not.

4. Can banning a multi-million member denomination "unite society"?

Certainly not.

5. Do all these respected people know the answers to these questions?

Certainly, yes.

They know, but they still lie, still seek to deprive UOC believers of their churches, to deprive them of their faith.

That's when "godly people" vividly demonstrate which side they are on – the side of truth or lies, the side of Christians or their persecutors.

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