Amsterdam: Those pushing for “religious cleansing” will be held accountable

Robert Amsterdam. Photo: cloudfront

Robert Amsterdam, head of the international human rights firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP and an American defender of the UOC, wrote on his X account that he would demand that the lobbying team behind Bill No. 8371 be punished for human rights violations.

"It's important that I make one thing abundantly clear: the SBU's recent threats to investigate and potentially issue false charges against me will in no way deter our efforts to hold all those accountable pushing for the religious cleansing law 8371," said the human rights lawyer.

He believes, "Yelenskyi and his crew of zealots are engaging in full scale expropriation and an assault of Ukraine's cultural heritage with this law."

Amsterdam stated that he would demand that these planned human rights violations be recorded and that those responsible be prosecuted.

As reported by the UOJ, Robert Amsterdam previously called Bill 8371, which the Rada intends to pass, a thinly veiled religious cleansing.

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