Metropolitan of Cyprus: What is related to Tomos is not related to God

Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol. Photo:

The situation with the Tomos and autocephaly in Ukraine will pass, because what is connected with it has nothing to do with God, the hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, Metropolitan Athanasios (Nikolau) of Limassol, said on the air of the Pershy Nezalezhny channel.

Commenting on the ecclesiastical situation in Ukraine, Vladyka Athanasios noted that the creation of the OCU and the related persecution of the UOC are not joyous.

“It felt wrong with me from the beginning,” he said. “I am very sorry about what is happening now in Ukraine. We must understand that this will pass over time. After all, what is associated with the Tomos and autocephaly has nothing to do with God and will pass eventually. God will control everything and it will return to its place. We must understand that there are church canons, whereby non-canonical bishops cannot be recognized as canonical. "

The Cypriot hierarch noted that the canonicity of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry is beyond doubt.

"He is the one whom we have recognized up to this moment recognize now," he stressed.

“I believe that there was wrong action on the part of another church. We must believe that God will settle everything, that the canons are primary, and one day everything will be fine,” added Metropolitan Athanasios.

As reported by the UOJ, the Head of the Church of Cyprus threatened the hierarchs who did not recognize the OCU.

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