Journalist to American publication: Ukrainian media antagonize the UOC

Illustrative photo: bajmedia

A common theme in journalist Flavius Mihăies's investigation into the religious situation in Ukraine was the role of the media and social networks in fostering antagonism toward the UOC. This is discussed in an article on The American Conservative's website.

Mihăies cited an incident at the Cathedral of St. George the Victorious in Khmelnytskyi on April 2, 2023, where two men pushed a deacon reading the Gospel and recorded the incident and the subsequent fight.

"Videos of the event, which only showed the melee, were broadcast that same day by local TV channel Expresso. Shortly after, parish members recounted that 'an ocean wave' of people angered by the news segment gathered at the cathedral, threatening 'pro-Russians',” the article states.

The journalist shares that he saw a video of a young priest being chased and harassed on his way home after the media published the story.

He further mentioned a situation in the village of Miliieve, where, according to Ivan Verenka, an assistant to the UOC parish priest, fellow villagers called the faithful "Moskals" (a derogatory term for Russians).

"'But they know us, they know we are Ukrainians.' So why do they call you that, I asked. Television and other media sources have influenced the community's beliefs, Verenka claims. 'They believe the media, not the people, not the priests,' he said. 'Former friends now insult Verenka and have threatened violence. How can we still be friends?'" Flavius Mihăies recounts.

The journalist also spoke with Archpriest Nikita Chekman, a lawyer representing the Church in multiple legal proceedings.

"Father Nikita told me that the UOC is being informationally blocked, with details about church seizures, attacks, and other incidents being suppressed on media and social media. The government, he said, is using the SBU to persecute the UOC by fabricating criminal cases to portray the church as criminal and then disseminating this information on social media," the publication informs its American readers.

As previously reported by the UOJ, an American media outlet discussed the importance of canons for the UOC.

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