Legoyda about "online communion" of OCU: An excuse for empty temples

Vladimir Legoyda. Photo:

The virtualization of the "sacraments" of the OCU will be an excellent excuse for empty churches seized by the schismatics. The head of the ROC Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, Vladimir Legoyda, wrote about this on his TG channel in response to the publication of a collection of publications by representatives of the OCU "The Phenomenon of Online Communion".

In his opinion, divine services and sacraments going online is the dream of many representatives of the OCU, and "judging by the book that has now been published, going online is part of the strategy of this schismatic ‘church’".

“In general, it is understandable: virtual ‘sacraments’ to virtual ‘churches’. Again, there will be an excellent justification for why the OCU temples, forcefully taken by the schismatics from the canonical Church, are constantly empty. They will say: ‘All our flock’ receive communion ‘virtually’. And the fact that such statements are unverifiable is more of a plus than a minus for the schismatics,” explained Vladimir Legoyda.

As reported, the OCU presented the book "The Phenomenon of Online Communion", which contains publications of representatives of this religious organization on the topic of "virtual sacraments".

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