Serbian Patriarch greets UOC Primate on 10th anniversary of enthronement

Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia. Photo:

Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, on behalf of the entire Serbian Orthodox Church, congratulated His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry on the 10th anniversary of his enthronement as Metropolitan of Kyiv, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

"The Council of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, through whom you received the grace of apostleship (Romans 1:5), entrusted you with the primatial service to continuously defend the Church and the people," the congratulatory message reads.

The Primate of the Serbian Church emphasized that over the past decade, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry has tirelessly cared for the needs of his flock, inspiring the faithful with the word of truth amid great suffering and difficulties.

"With the collective joy of the entire Church, together with St Onuphrius, the heavenly patron of Your Beatitude, we offer prayers to the All-Merciful Lord to bless your long-suffering people and grant you strong physical and spiritual health, to the joy of the pious clergy and the flock entrusted to you by God. May you live long, Your Beatitude, for many and blessed years!" he wished.

As reported by the UOJ, the UOC recently ordained two new metropolitans and three archbishops.

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