OCU supporter on Law 8371: Have never seen such lies & manipulations before

Tetiana Derkach. Photo: raskolam.net

Religious publicist and supporter of the OCU, Tetiana Derkach, criticised the initiators and developers of Bill No. 8371 (as it is being prepared for its second reading), accusing them of lies and manipulations.

"I have never heard or seen as much lie and manipulation as the developers of the second reading of bill 8371 have produced," Derkach wrote on her Facebook page.

The journalist was also outraged by the "rumour about some 'second tomos' for the UOC" and the fact that it was attributed to opponents of Bill 8371, after which the authors began to fight against this "fabrication" themselves.

"Childish. Create a proper bill paired with canonical crisis management, so that the whole country doesn't end up skewed, and stop making a mockery of things. And don't lie. Good deeds aren't done through lies," Derkach wrote.

According to her, even professional, experienced, and certified politicians have nullified their professional competence due to the religious issue (which is always very complex).

"This whole Poturaev affair is a sign of the political sphere's degradation. It's a pity that people don't even see this and dismiss all criticism as enemy sabotage and the all-powerful hand of Moscow. No one promotes the 'hand of Moscow' as much as our ultrapatriots do. There are all three textbook crises – leadership, competence and values," she concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, Tetiana Derkach, commenting on Vyatrovych's recent statement, noted that it was finally stated directly that Parliament plans to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church specifically.

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