What? They closed your temple? Don't believe your eyes

Photo: UOJ

Meanwhile, in Kyiv on the same day, the Lavra Church of the Life-Giving Spring was closed and sealed. The temple, by the way, was built in the 1990s entirely by the monastery on the site of an old water pumping station.

In June, the authorities announced that Chernihiv's Transfiguration Cathedral (from which the UOC was expelled in 2023) will now function as a museum. And these are just a couple of recent examples, as they say, ‘off the top of my head’. More and more new photo and video materials of the UOC temples seized by Dumenko’s associates, with the locks hung after the ‘transition’, regularly appear on the web. In our country, churches are not just closed, they are even physically destroyed. It requires a special talent to say after that there are no closed temples in Ukraine and to be proud of this fictitious fact.

Of course, we have already got used to our authorities forming their own ‘church’ reality, which has nothing to do with the truth. And they even have some localised successes in this difficult task.

But history proves that lies and propaganda die immediately when their creators, liars and propagandists (the Soviet God-fighters will not let you lie) leave the scene.

So it will be this time.

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