MP: Soros invests millions in the destruction of the family and Orthodoxy

Billionaire George Soros and his son Alexander. Photo: 1news

The "Servants" and "Voice" deputies, promoting the bill on same-sex marriage, have received and keep receiving funding from structures associated with the American billionaire Soros, MP Oleksandr Dubinsky, who is now in the pre-trial detention centre, writes on his Telegram channel.

"This gentleman, with the support of the authorities, in particular Yermak, who is in constant contact with Alexander Soros (a son of billionaire George Soros – Ed.), invests millions of dollars in the destruction of the system of traditional family values, the promotion of homosexuality, the destruction of Orthodoxy," said the MP.

In his opinion, such systemic actions of Soros and his associates "undermine the fundamental foundations of the Ukrainian nation and create conditions for its destruction, with the subsequent replacement of Ukrainians with migrants who will not claim to have a national identity, but will serve as a labour force for corporations that will gain control over Ukrainian land, agriculture and subsoil".

Dubinsky believes that such destruction or maximum dilution of the Ukrainian nation is necessary in order to "remove from the agenda the issue of nationalisation of property stolen from Ukrainians in the form of 'payment of war debts'."

Earlier the UOJ published the text of Amsterdam's letter to Zelensky, which details a plan to destroy the UOC.

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