In Mariupol, a parish of OCU joins ROC

St Michael’s Church. Photo: OCU

In Mariupol, the religious community of St Michael’s Church has transitioned from the OCU to the ROC, reports RIA Novosti.

"We served under Ukraine. It was a Ukrainian church. After the war, it stood idle for some time. Those who remained here in Mariupol, those who had invested their efforts in the creation of this church and got accustomed to it, gathered and said: we want this church to be operational. They reached out to Metropolitan Hilarion (of Donetsk and Mariupol). And so, our transition took place," said the church's priest.

He also added that Orthodoxy should unite people rather than divide them, especially in matters of faith.

As reported by the UOJ, OCU "bishops" are making phone calls to MPs with an insistent request to support the adoption of Law 8371 on the de facto ban of the UOC in the current version.

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