Ukrainian authorities complain to Phanar that Dumenko hinders OCU-UOC unity

Epifaniy Dumenko. Photo:

Ukrainian authorities have complained to the Patriarchate of Constantinople about Epifaniy Dumenko, claiming that he is hindering the unity of Orthodoxy in Ukraine.

The Greek outlet “Romfea”, citing its sources, claims that the Phanar "receives complaints from the Ukrainian authorities that Metropolitan Epifaniy does nothing to unite the Churches (the UOC and the OCU – Ed.), but on the contrary, hinders it."

"Romfea" stresses that "violent seizures of UOC temples by OCU supporters, with the use of weapons and tear gas, as well as mass beatings of believers, make dialogue with the UOC impossible."

"These actions, instead of uniting the Churches, only consolidated the faithful of the UOC against the OCU," wrote “Romfea”.

There recalled that from 2018 to today "none of the 100 bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has joined the OCU, and the seized churches remain empty, as there is no one to serve in them".

As reported by the UOJ, according to Romfea, a year ago Zelensky requested the Phanar to give the OCU the status of patriarchate.

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