Media: A year ago Zelensky requested Phanar to give OCU patriarchate status

Volodymyr Zelensky and Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

According to Greek sources, during a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on July 8, 2023, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky possibly requested that the Phanar grant the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) the status of patriarchate.

The Greek publication "Romfea" reported that at the meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew, Volodymyr Zelensky directly asked him to appoint Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon (instead of Archbishop Hilarion of Canada) as the head of the Constantinople Patriarchate's commission, which was supposed to address issues of unity within Ukrainian Orthodoxy.

Additionally, "Romfea" writes that the President of Ukraine asked the Primate of the Constantinople Church to grant the OCU the status of patriarchate.

Moreover, Greek media claim that "in light of the escalating military-religious situation in Ukraine, new figures have appeared in Zelensky's circle, which, according to experts, indicates a changing position of the Ukrainian authorities on church matters."

As reported by the UOJ, in 2023, Dumenko urged Bartholomew not to send a delegation of the Constantinople Patriarchate to Ukraine.

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