Amsterdam: Fighting to protect the Church amid constant disinformation

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The head of the international human rights firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP, Robert Amsterdam, spoke about the constant waves of disinformation against the Church, under which the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) must be defended. The lawyer commented on a recent Reuters article on his X account.

According to him, it is very frustrating to see how a major news organization like Reuters failed to present the basic facts about the situation with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

“In this article, they claim OCU, not UOC, is recognized by the global Orthodox community. False. They breezily claim the OCU is majority - also false. Then they give oxygen to the govt's lie that the church is somehow 'abetting' the invasion, when they have completely separated and denounced the war.” the message states.

Amsterdam underscored that these are the conditions "in which we are fighting to protect the Church."

“The disinformation is constant and pervasive and serves to advance unacceptable violations of human rights,” wrote the human rights advocate.

As previously reported by the UOJ, Amsterdam stated that the authorities could face punishment for offering to exchange a UOC hierarch.

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