OCU leadership demands UOC ban blackmailing the authorities with elections

Epifaniy Dumenko and Zelensky. Photo: OCU

The leadership of the OCU demands from the Ukrainian authorities to adopt Draft Law 8371, promising in return support in the elections, reports the pro-OCU resource "Spiritual Front".

The edition claims that "the leadership of the OCU demands from the authorities to adopt 8371, presenting it as self-sufficiency".

According to the publication, these demands "are often accompanied by political blackmail – specifically, with whom this jurisdiction will side 'in the upcoming elections.'"

The “Spiritual Front of Ukraine” also reports the OCU leadership is persuading the authorities to urgently pass Law 8371 by promising that "soon after the law's adoption, the 'unity of Ukrainian Orthodoxy' will ensue – following the formula 'all hierarchs are traitors, but the parishes will come over to us.'"

As previously reported by the UOJ, on August 12 and 13, OCU leader Epifaniy Dumenko will make an unannounced visit to the Phanar.

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