Met Longin: We will not betray our faith, nor will we transition anywhere

Metropolitan Longin (Zhar). Photo: Screenshot from Bancheny Monastery video

In his sermon on the feast day of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, August 9, the patronal feast of Bancheny Monastery, Metropolitan Longin (Zhar) stated that one should not change the Church but always strive to change oneself. The video of the sermon was published on the monastery's YouTube channel.

The bishop urged believers to support their priests because they pray for their flock and remain faithful to their Church.

"We will not betray the Holy Orthodox faith, and we will not change anything, we will not transition anywhere," emphasized Metropolitan Longin. "For we are in God's Church and want to love all people, regardless of their nationality."

The archbishop called on everyone to live in purity and love for God.

"Look at how these people love God. It would be so difficult for us today without you. But how good it is that we are all together," he said, thanking God for all the mercies He bestows upon His people.

As the UOJ reported, on August 9, the car in which Metropolitan Longin (Zhar) of Bancheny was travelling got in a traffic accident. The bishop is currently in intensive care.

The Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy and Bancheny Monastery have called on the faithful to double their prayers for the UOC hierarch.

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