Bondarenko names key persecutors of Orthodoxy in Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky. Photo: rtvi

Political analyst and historian Kostiantyn Bondarenko, commenting on Volodymyr Zelensky's address about the "spiritual liberation" of Ukraine, named three main opponents of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. He wrote this on his Telegram channel.

Analyzing the current situation surrounding the anti-church law aimed at banning the UOC, Bondarenko identified the main masterminds and implementers of this project.

"It is becoming clear who the true persecutors of Orthodoxy in Ukraine are: this triad of Yelensky – Zelensky – the Ecumenical (Patriarch Bartholomew, – Ed.)," the political analyst wrote.

In his opinion, as a result of this persecution, "Zelensky himself will ultimately be the main loser."

As the UOJ reported, political analyst Bondarenko believes that after the ban on the UOC, civil disobedience will be the only option left for the faithful.

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