Tikhanovskaya visits temple of schismatic BAOC in New York

Светлана Тихановская в нью-йоркском храме раскольнической БАПЦ. Фото: Белсат

On July 25, the former presidential candidate of Belarus Svetlana Tikhanovskaya visited the Church of St. Cyril of Turov of the schismatic Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in New York, reports Belsat.

Tikhanovskaya met with the parishioners of the church. The choir leader told Svetlana that the temple is open to representatives of all confessions.

The Belarusian oppositionist spoke to the parishioners about the struggle for freedom and the construction of a new Belarus.

Representatives of the diaspora presented Tikhanovskaya with the golden sign of the Rada of the Belarusian People's Republic from Ivonka Survilla and presented a copy of the cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk. Svetlana presented them with her book “Я выходжу” ("I'm going out") about the protests in Belarus.

As reported earlier, the Belarusian opposition introduced an “autocephalous church” to the reform package, and Epiphany urged Belarusians to ask the Phanar for the Tomos.

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