In Cherk, congregation and priest deprived of their church pray in a tent

UOC congregation in Cherk. Photo: Volyn Diocese

On the feast day of the prophet Elijah, the UOC congregation in the village of Cherk, Volyn region, held a festive service in a tent, according to the press service of the diocese.

Previously, a significant portion of the faithful, along with their priest, who is now banned for deviation into schism, joined the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). However, another part of the parishioners refused to join them and remained faithful to the UOC.

During the patronal feast of the parish, they prayed together with Archpriest Serhiy Shemchuk and other priests.

“In the small tent, everybody felt great grace during the sacrament of the Eucharist, which everyone partook in, receiving Holy Communion. With the collective singing of the spiritual hymn 'Eternal Faith, Glorious Faith, Our Orthodox Faith,' the believers confirmed their loyalty to the Church of Christ. Greetings for the feast and praises of the prophet Elijah were voiced by the children,” the Volyn diocese's message stated.

As reported earlier, a large cross procession with prayers for peace in Ukraine took place in the town of Kamin-Kashyrskyi, Volyn region, on the Feast of Orthodoxy.

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