Pochaiv Lavra: Media spread lies about MinCulture's inspection results

Press Secretary of the Pochaiv Lavra. Photo: Suspilne

The press service of the Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra has refuted information spread by several Ukrainian media outlets that numerous violations were found at the monastery following the Ministry of Culture inspection.

“As of today, the Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra is a user of the property under contract No. 1 dated December 12, 2003. We have not officially received any documents based on the results of the inspection. That is, we, the monks, as long-term users of the Lavra’s property before and after the confiscation by the communist authorities, have not been officially informed of the results of the inspection so far,” stated the Pochaiv Lavra.

The official press secretary of the Lavra declared that the information about violations at the monastery is not accurate.

“This behavior by the media has nothing to do with the journalist's code of honor and represents a targeted information campaign against the Pochaiv Lavra,” the press service concluded.

As the UOJ reported earlier, the Pochaiv Lavra had promised to address the remarks of the Ministry of Culture’s commission.

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