OCU hopes there will be their own "Avraamiy Lotysh" in Pochaiv Lavra

Pochaiv Lavra and Nestor Pysyk. Photo: Dukhovna Velych L'vova

The head of the Ternopil diocese of the OCU, Nestor Pysyk, stated that the Pochaiv Lavra should become "a place of unity for Orthodox Ukrainians", Ukrinform reports.

He stated that the history of the monastery has been distorted and misinterpreted, as "all invaders and occupiers knew that the significance of the Lavra for our population is special. For Galicia and Volhynia, it is comparable to the significance of Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv; it is the core around which our identity was built," he noted.

He hopes that there is a supporter of the OCU in the Pochaiv Lavra who can lead the monastery.

"During the period of independence, the Pochaiv Lavra did not become Ukrainian only because a pro-Russian brotherhood was brought there, which turned the believers against the bishop. It is difficult to say how the situation will develop; many circumstances have overlapped, and there are many connections when visiting monks bring and settle their families. But I am convinced that among the brethren there are conscious Ukrainians, and even 'our own Avraamy'," said Pysyk.

As the UOJ reported earlier, Nestor Pysyk stated that after the Ministry of Culture's inspection on the territory of the Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra, the state would terminate the lease agreements with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and the Lavra would come under the jurisdiction of his religious structure.

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