Synod of the Crete Church protests over blasphemies at Olympics

Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church of Crete. Photo:

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris included a sad scene with a provocative reconstruction of the 'Last Supper', thereby mocking the Christian faith and the Holy Gospel. The Holy Synod of the Church of Crete has expressed strong protest against those responsible for this event, reports the Greek resource Romfea.

"What can the spirit of the ancient Greek Olympic games have to do with the mockery of the above event, which took place in the city of "light", Paris? It is, of course, not the first time that the discrediting of the Christian faith, the contempt of the Christian culture, the Christianophobia and the mocking of its sacred symbols are manifested from the European area," the statement reads.

According to the Cretan hierarchs, Europe is increasingly turning away from the Christian roots of its culture, and in Paris, they have gone beyond what they have learned. They arrived at the deification of the center of the sacred Mysteries of the Church, the Last Supper, i.e. the Eucharist.

"The Holy Provincial Synod of the Church of Crete, from Crete, the place where according to Greek mythology Europe was born, lodges its strong protest to all those who are responsible for the above event, to those who say that they go forward in life without discrimination, but in practice they act with blasphemous discrimination against Christians," said the Orthodox Church of Crete.

The Cretan Synod members note that Europe stubbornly denies its Christian culture. Its place is taken by new anthropological standards with the components and traits of a proclaimed atheism, multi-material neutrality and pagan relativism.

"Orthodox Christian Crete, clergy and faithful people, prayerfully seeks from God, the illumination, hearts and minds, of today's European elite and those around it so that they feel their responsibilities," they concluded.

As reported by the UOJ, the Primate and hierarchs of the Church of Greece have also commented on the blasphemies during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris.

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