GOC hierarch: France insulted the mother of the Olympic Games – Greece

Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras. Photo: romfea.gr

Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras, a bishop of the Church of Greece, commented on the Olympic Games opening ceremony, stating, "One can only grieve seeing this spiritual collapse and insult to cultural values and Christianity through mockery of the Last Supper." His remarks were published on the Greek website Romfea during a Sunday sermon.

According to him, our era is unfortunately characterized by a denial of Christ, and the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games confirms this.

"What connection can such a ceremony have with the Olympic spirit and the values it expresses and represents? This ceremony was an insult to culture and values. One can only be saddened by this spiritual collapse and the insult to cultural values and Christianity through the mockery of the Last Supper. Christianity gave meaning to existence in Europe. The roots of Europe are Christian," said Metropolitan Chrysostomos.

He believes that "everything that happened in France during this ceremony is an insult to the mother of the Olympic Games, our homeland, Greece".

As reported by the UOJ, the Primate of the Church of Greece criticized the Olympics opening, stating that "all of this is utterly contemptible". Metropolitan Chrysostomos III of Mani also expressed his dissatisfaction to the French ambassador regarding the blasphemous anti-Christian scenes during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris.

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