MP: Adoption of Bill 8371 will put an end to relations with Europe and USA

MP Artem Dmytruk. Photo: Screenshot from video

"The adoption of the bill on the UOC ban, initiated and lobbied by the persecutors of the Church, will put an end to our relations with European and American partners," wrote MP Artem Dmytruk on his Telegram channel.

The people’s deputy reminded that the UN, the UN Human Rights Council, top American politicians, members of the British Parliament, American and European human rights defenders and many other international institutions have already expressed their clear stance against this "shameful bill".

He emphasized that even the Rada's Legal Department has disputed the bill's text.

"According to their analysis, the bill 'demonstrates a disregard for certain provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, inconsistency with some international treaties ratified by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and lack of coordination with other legislative acts,'" Dmytruk noted.

He believes it is also important to remember that the adoption of this bill would mean a total violation of all kinds of human rights and freedoms.

"And sanctions, if it is passed, will be unavoidable for the persecutors of the Church!" warned the MP.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that the issue of banning the UOC is a political "split" for the Ukrainian authorities.

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